Monday, June 24, 2013


No pictures today. Just a short note to say I ended up with a migraine last night. I knew it was going to come.    I have been in too much pain not to end up with one.  My main migraine triggers are  pain, cold, or my food intolerances, mostly corn.  
I took off most of my pain patches so I would not mask the pain in my ankle and overuse it.   Then of course, the pain disorder had me over the top in pain.   It is very tricky.  
 So like I said this was expected.     I had hoped I could ride it out, but no.    The plan for today was to get up slap on some patches and walk but I didn't make it till morning.  So it's another day here and try again in the morning.
I would like to thank all of you for your support and comments. 


  1. Good luck with the migraine subsiding!

  2. Keep your spirits up and rest for a couple of days.
    Hot and humid hear today.
    Love Mom.

    1. Thanks I Intend to walk tomorrow but will wait and see.

  3. You apologized for your rest day. I celebrated the pics.
    Your ankle thanks your aching head.
    Your body thanks you for listening to both of them.
    No minute spent in rest is wasted.
    It is a journey, not a race.
    Make your journey last.
    Savour each moment. Resist the urge to rush to the end.
    There is no timeline.
    An exta week, or two, or three, will make no difference.
    Spend it there, or rush back to spend it here. The time will still pass.
    There is no should. There is no must.
    There is only each step.
    Buen Camino!

    1. I would like to thank you for this comment.
      It did make me stop and think.
      It is not a race. My problem is I am impatient I always need to get done why I have no idea. Like you said there is all the time in the world.
      All that I have to do is put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the scenery culture and experience.

    2. De nada.
      I wish you a peaceful, relaxing, and rejuvenating rest time.
      Breathe deeply and soak in the lovely Spanish world.

  4. I agree, your migraine was your bodies way of saying....take it easy!! I am not sure who the above anonymous is but very wise words indeed. Don't let your sore ankle get you down. You are having an adventure of a liftetime. It might not have been the one you first laid out but it definitely has been an adventure. Hope you feel better tomorrow (or sooner).

  5. Gerry,

    Please know I'm praying for you.


    (fellow blogger of Life with Lynnie)

  6. Listen to that wise wise soul who blogged ahead of me! Mr. Impatient! Stop to smell the roses as the saying goes. Remember, this is supposed to be an awakening of sorts--if not religious or spiritual perhaps just in calming your spirit. A test of your patience to teach you something about yourself you didn't know existed (that small piece ofyou who is dying to practice the 'patience is a virtue' motto>
    I am enjoying your around town photos too.
    Stay put. Enjoy some down time in solitude.
    love you lots

    1. Wasn't that a very wise person.
      I couldn't sit any longer so I did leave today I will post in awhile.
      Solitude sucks just so you know.....
