Friday, May 31, 2013


So I slept for 8 hours, got up, ate a bun and started walking at 6.30 a.m.    It was raining, but not too hard, just steady. After the first 10km it started to come down like crazy. It rained so hard my rain jacket didn't help. I had to stop and buy an umbrella. A couple of times it was hailing. Think I didn't ask myself what I was doing here?   Just so you know I almost waved down a taxi but some more people came up to me and we talked for a bit and it seemed to revive me.   That was only 4km from the end of the days travel.    Going up 1000m  over the distance I walked today, doesn't sound like much but that was a never ending hill.   Every bend you would think it had to stop going up but it didn't. I walked from 6.30 till 1.30. I only had 4 people pass me so I guess I wasn't that slow. In fact as I am writing this it's 5 and there are still people coming in.    I thought I was dragging my ass you should see some of them.
This was when I started this morning.

The scenery was great except for the rain and fog.

Looking ahead at the mountains I have to go over. But you can't see the rest of them they are hidden in the clouds.

I thought it was neat how you would walk right by a farmers  buildings.

This was looking back down from were I had come from  earlier, and I thought that was a ways up. That isn't even the start of the climb.

So the rest of the walk I didn't take pictures it was just pouring and I had a hard enough time keeping myself dry never mind the camera.

This is where I am tonight. Roncesvalles.

I guess they can sleep a couple hundred here. We are in little cubicles 2 bunks I ended up on the bottom. 

This is what I am eating tonight not sure what it is I'll let you know.


  1. Sorry to hear it is raining.
    Keep your spirits up.
    Miss you.

  2. Well look at the bright can only get better from here. sounds like a nasty day! I hope supper is good!

  3. Is that the same place as Martin Sheen stopped after his first day???

    1. Not sure there is one other place that has 14 beds I have to watch the movie again to know for sure.

  4. Wouldn't that be neat if it is the same place Martin sheen stopped? How do like Roncesvalles? I gather you are sleeping by now...with 100 other people, farting, burping, snoring, talking in their What fun! xo

  5. 9 euros for dinner? That's not bad...what did you have? Did it include wine? :-)

    1. We had wine soup trout French fry's and a flan .
